Saturday, July 30, 2011

Little Pliny butt

We had been wanting a dog for the past two years and just hadn't found the right time to do it. We then somewhat spontaneously brought Pliny home 5 months ago and can't get enough of his cuddly, loving dachshund personality! We like to tell him he was a good decision. He pretty much goes everywhere with us and we've had lots of fun finding dog-friendly weekend fun, including bars and coffee shops. He is definitely one of the most loved dogs in our apartment building and we can't go anywhere without people talking to him. He was a bit shy when we first brought him home, but that went away quickly and he has really warmed up and now will greet and play with anyone, big or small. He's a smart little pup, too, and won the final training competition in our dog class. (P.s., I highly recommend the UCLA in the U-District if you're looking for positive puppy training.) Our dog walker adores him and takes him to hang out at her job, so he often spends his afternoons as a "therapy-dog" in a
retirement community. Apparently everyone loves to watch him play fetch down the hallways. He's still learning lots about his world and it's super fun to watch him. Just this week he had his first swim in the Sound! Right now we're looking forward to a two-week California road trip with Pliny and we know he'll love the adventure 'cause he loves being with his "pack." We'll even be able to swing by his name-sake in Santa Rosa. ;-)

As a side-note, Pliny suffers from mild-to-moderate separation anxiety, and it broke our hearts for the first few months we had him, but we're doing a behavioral modification program with him now and he is making some really good progress. So just a shout-out to owners of overly-attached dogs -- look into consulting with a behavioralist, 'cause you can make some positive changes for your dog.

And I think we're off to get coffee and head to the small-dog dog park! I just love having a dog and Pliny's kinda the best. :-) Thanks PUP rescue for everything you do!

1 comment:

  1. oh, and in the photo he's all dressed up as a pirate 'cause he was the mascot for Evergreen Speech and Hearing Clinic for the Redmond Derby Days kids parade. :-)
