Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Bandit's new dad sent us these wonderful updates after being a family for just 1, then 2 days. By the sounds of things, it looks like this new family is settling in really well.

I want to say thank you to PUP for letting Bandit come home with me. He is already starting to settle in and make this his forever home. Kenya the cat and he while not friends yet are very curious about one another and as I type this are taking turns running from and chasing the other. This is after just one evening – give them a week and they are going to be best friends or totally ignore one another.

Both of them decided that the best place to sleep last night was as close as they could cuddle with me – one on either side. Bandit started off in a doggie bed in a varikennel but started whining when he heard the cat get on the bed. I was a bad daddy and let him out and up on the bed which is where he ended up sleeping for the entire night- thankfully with no accidents.

Day 2 and things are going wonderfully over here. Bandit has really settled in and made himself at home. He is playing and being his energetic self. He and Kenya have become friends and they have already begun playing together quite a bit.

I had a friend over last night and Bandit was stand-offish but warmed up after an hour or so, although once when my friend sneezed he jumped about a foot and came straight to me to hold him. He has already begun to bond with me and I can tell he feels safe here as he has already become my little shadow – wherever I go he is right behind me…and this morning I went out to check the mail and left him and Kenya together when I walked back up to the house they were both sitting together watching for me out the front window. It was so adorable.

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